lemonsile's avatar


Fill in the air next time~
105 Watchers62 Deviations

Just checking.

1 min read
It's not that long story. I'm just rechecking some of my old accounts and it appears my old dA account was one of it. It's been veeeeeery long time since I open dA with a log in.
So I'm just checking. I'm not the type to handle so much account I don't think I will be active again here (like you would care at all) considering the days since I last touch the pencil. But if only I can get some things finished I'd like to submit something again. If only.

So that's all. Just checking. Feel free to drop a message if you ever want to get in touch again (here in dA of course, you can always contact me in other social networking like twitter). Oh, I'm just too absorbed with anything college related (in other words, philosophy stuffs).
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Sudah berbulan-bulan menghabiskan waktu di microblog plurk atau twitter yang lebih gaul untuk stay in contact sama temen-temen kuliah selama liburan 3 bulan (yes, 3 bulan. bukan 3 hari). Bukan hanya dA yang terlantar (meski memang niatnya mau ditelantarkan) tetapi juga blog (alhasil saya baru nyelesaikan review dua komik Koloni terbitan 30 Juni. Monggo dibacaa.. wp.me/pQlu6-1x ).

Dengan sabar menunggu proyek bareng :iconbake2x: yaitu komik "Cermin Putih" yang akan diterbitkan Koloni kalau tidak ada halangan bulan Agustus iniii.. Yaaay~
Saat ini tahap kejar-kejaran sama deadline sudah dilewati, naskah cerita sudah diserahkan sekarang lagi tunggu-tunggu masa penyuntingan kalau-kalau ada perlu perubahan. Isi sisa halaman dengan omake, catatan penulis, dan guest art yang rupanya bejibun pengirimnya. Semuanya ditanganin bake2x sih urusan halaman dan visual. Saya cuma ngurusin cerita, plot building, apa lah. Ada sedikit komentar-komentar juga sih selama bikin, tapi itu biasalah supaya apa yang saya tuliskan di cerita bisa tersampaikan dengan baik melalui visualisasi bake2x.

Oke...begitulah. Sambil menghitung hari sampai terbitnya CP, sekaligus menghitung hari mulai masuk kuliah.
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Kenapa berbahasa Indonesia?
Kata mural di tiang penyangga jalan layang, yang juga jalan tol Wiyoto Wiyono, di daerah Rawamangun "Bahasa Indonesia wajib, Bahasa Asing perlu." Jadi apa hubungannya? Tidak ada.

Hari ini 8 Maret. Saya entah kenapa merasa sedikit bersemangat mungkin karena hari ini Hari Perempuan Internasional, apa hubungannya?! Karena ini pertama kali saya tahu sejujurnya ;P

Saya tercerahkan oleh Bahasa Indonesia.
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1 min read
I've had enough of yoooooouuuuuuu~~~~~~
lemonsile, 2009

Seriously he's been meddling with my days lately, and that's just the beginning said my epistemology lecturer. orz

Let's get it straight. I've been wondering if my imagination are just too wild for creative works (literature to be precise) and I think it's becoming a problem. *pokes bake2x*

I mean...ah, forget it. I'm just trying to mix philosophy and comic but I think it's far tooo difficult and it's still a loooong waaayyy for me to do that. It's just to early but if I have to start with something somple then I realize it is sooooo haaaarrrddd to make something simple, and I have trouble with humour thingy too. Jeez, what a crap I am.

Soooo let me ask you..
Is it so hard to move the gears inside your head?
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Dead End

1 min read
In every journey there's always a dead end.

Wondering how can I be more active here with all of those temptations around me?
Well, emotionally I'm back. No longer in the end of the world maybe. But I'm still stuck with everything. Just when I have to write something I'm stuck and now when I'm in the mood for drawing I haven't finished installing my scanner back and re-assemble my PC. I can't update my iPod either :iconotlplz:

Just a few days (or weeks) more maybe. I'll try to be more active, at least a few artworks. =w=
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Just checking. by lemonsile, journal

Sudah lama yaaa~ by lemonsile, journal

Aku dan Bahasa Inggris by lemonsile, journal

Descartes by lemonsile, journal

Dead End by lemonsile, journal